01 September 2011

One Year Anniversary - how did the system perform?

There are many ways to answer the question "How did it go? Was it worth it?". Our system was online one year as of 4pm 24 August. Our system is a 4.9 kW panel array and 5.1 kW string inverter. We are located on Farley Ave, Guelph and our roof faces south east, 40 deg slope. We have 20 SolarWorld panels that are 240 watts (two strings of 10 panels into the inverter). I have downloaded the data from the inverter data logger and can now say the following:
  • Total annual output was 5509 kWhr
  • $4418 gross revenue (HST not included)
  • Our loan payments (2nd mortgage on the house so we are only paying 2.6% interest) have been $3,921 which started being paid July 2010
  • Total payout from Guelph Hydro was $2,942, which means we should be getting a nice cheque any day now 
  • Total output per kW of installed capacity is 1124.2kWhr/kW capacity
I have not had time to to do much more analysis on the data, but I shall over September. For example, I'd be interested to know what type of production does the system acheive during the longer sunny days, but the hotter temperatures. 
I also want to discuss my experience with claiming back the HST, and what you have to do when you collect the HST on behalf of Revenue Canada (hint - cheque book). I would also like to compare the annual production with what I modelled to see how RETSCREEN matched our system. 
Tonight I went to a solar coop meeting here in Guelph at Harcourt Church. It had about 30 people attend and they talked about the two proposed solar coop projects. I'll talk about those soon too. But for now, I just wanted to get the annual results out.

03 August 2011

Taxation of Properties with Solar PV System

The question of property tax changes after a PV systems in installed on your house has never really been clarified by the local or provincial governments. Adding a PV system to your home increases the value of it [assets and potential revenue]. Of course, some may disagree and prefer not to buy a house with panels.
I have not heard of any homeowner facing a property tax re-assessment. But there is good news, released 2 August 2011. The Ministry of Finance has released a proposed regulatory amendment to the Assessment Act to provide greater clarity and certainty to property owners, energy generators, municipalities and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding the property tax treatment of renewable energy facilities. The proposed policy would apply to electricity generation installations that utilize solar, wind, or anaerobic digestion.
In summary, for roof-top and ground-mounted small scale solar systems:
  • Roof-top: The assessment and tax classification of property would not change due to the addition of a rooftop energy generation installation.
  • Ground-mounted installations: the property tax treatment will depend upon the size of the facility as well as the entity who is doing the generation - Small-size ground installations (up to 10 kW) would not result in assessment increase or change in tax classification.
  • Medium-size ground installations, with generation capacity over 10 kW up to 500 kW, would be taxed based on the surrounding land use (e.g. residential, farm, multi-residential, commercial).
Essentially, a house with a microFIT project would continue to be taxed as a house and not as a business. Also, the house would not be assessed to a higher tax rate due to an increased value.
This is great news - we had wondered all along if our property tax would increase due to our PV system. It would be disappointing if the government paid you to generate renewable energy then turn around and increase your taxes to claw back a part of that revenue. On a small PV system, even a couple hundred dollars would have a large impact on the financial viability of the project [see my recent post]. Secondly, this would act as a disincentive to produce renewable energy - something that is socially beneficial. Thirdly, I have never seen any information from the Ontario Power Authority to say the $0.802/kWhr accounted for increased taxation.
There is more details on wind and larger solar projects that I won't get into here. On Farm anaerobic digestion systems (even systems over 500 kW) are taxed at the farm rate.

July 2011 PV Revenue Results

In my previous post I show that all but one day had very high PV generation for our system over July 2011. I don't complain about the one lower output day as we desperately needed the rain. On the 20 June 2011 we broke even since the winter where our cumulative revenue exceeded our cumulative loan payments. We had a very sunny June and we continued to add to our surplus so that by 1 July we started the month with $58.60 surplus. Don't forget, this is a surplus on a PV system that was over $31,000 and we had less than 2 more months to earn a little on our investment.
July was a very good month, adding to June's very strong output [and therefore revenue]. My chart below shows the cumulative revenue, loan payments, and microFIT payments we received.
Cumulative revenue, microFIT payments, and loan payments to 31 July 2011, 4.9 kW PV system.
We see the following:
  • Revenue has exceeded loan payments by $341 by the end of July
  • Return to date is 1.08% [profit over loan value]
  • microFIT payments are a little irregular [number of days for each payment has been 49, 70, 68, 43, and 63]. I suspect that microFIT payments are manually processed at Guelph Hydro with "flexible" schedule
  • Slope of cumulative revenue is greater during May-July vs. Aug-Nov [clearly showing the tendency of longer days in the summer, less cloud cover]. This trend should continue for the rest of the summer given the long range forecasts, though some rain is forecasted over next 2 weeks. 
I did do a boo-boo in some previous charts. I was showing earlier versions of the figure above with the microFIT payments including HST. The payments from Guelph Hydro includes HST. I must submit this to Revenue Canada so I incorrectly was including that tax as part of my revenue. The chart above is corrected and does not include HST. I shall talk about taxes in a forthcoming blog post.

July 2011 PV Results

A hot July ends and it has been a good month for our PV system. The very hot weather has had a very real decrease in our output, but the sunny long days has still been good for overall production. I counted 7 days that were either "pure blue" skies, or virtually cloud free other than the odd passing cloud. Many more had occasional cloud passage. However, we had many days that were 30 deg C and this hot weather reduced the peak output levels. I'll post examples of those soon.
Below I am providing the raw daily totals for July. The days with 30 or more kWhrs were virtually cloud-free, and you can see the number of days over 25 kWhr is also high. Only 1 day [28 July] was low - a cloudy day with even a bit of rain which was much needed.
July 2011 daily kWhr PV production, 243 Farley Dr., Guelph, Ontario.
The next figure shows the total daily production since we started. Despite the longer days in July compared to March, total daily output is trending down to 30 kWhr from March's 35 kWhr.
Daily kWhr PV production up to July 2011, 243 Farley Dr., Guelph, Ontario.

20 July 2011

Solar Production on Hot Summer Days

Today in July Guelph should be getting about a theoretical 5.8 kWh/m2/day compared to 4.5 kWh/m2/day in March. Cloud and atmospheric conditions affect the amount of energy of course. But our nice long days of 14.5 hours vs. March's 12 hours should be yielding more peak and cumulative power on any given day.
My SolarWorld 240 W mono panels are rated at 14.3% efficiency. And the extra energy striking the panels - where does it go? It is converted into heat. And heat decreases the efficiency of energy conversion. Essentially, the voltage decreases. The figure below shows three curves where the panel temperature is 25C, 45C, and 60C. This is an often borrowed image, I shall calculate it for my panel myself one day.
Effect of temperature on solar panel current
This chart only goes to 60C, but my panels will be reaching over 70C on these hot July days. The current [amps] decreases and power output decreases [P = V.I]. I've read on websites a general rule of thumb [which means it is wrong] is a 0.5% decrease in efficiency for every 1C increase. They don't specifiy if it is a 0.5% decrease of the overall efficiency or of the 14.3%, not do they specifiy for mono/poly crystalline or for amorphous panels. Many good general descriptions of panels and output exist on the web. However, I found a great tool to calculate the panel derating effects by temperature where you can put your own panel data in. The temperature coefficient of my panels is -0.45 %/ÂșC. 
What this all means is the long summer days of July provide a lot of sunshine, but the total accumulated output is lower than the best days in March. Fortunately for my solar revenue and unfortunate for the farmers and plants and animals, there has been a lot of clear sunny days, albeit our grass is very brown. 
I show our cumulative daily output chart as of 19 July 2011 below. 
Daily power output [kW.hrs] to 2011-07-19.
Our average revenue from 1-19 July has been $21.23. This is pleasing as we've been averaging about $10.50 above our loan costs. We are now above our cumulative loan payments by about $250. We have just over a month to go until we can get a full year tally. I was also pleased that we received out first cheque over $1000 the other day from Guelph Hydro! Our cumulative loan, revenue, and MicroFIT payments are shown below.
Cumulative loan, revenue, and MicroFIT payments to date.

05 July 2011

Solar Energy Information Sessions Across Ontario in July 2011

Considering OR Getting Started in Solar?

Four solar sessions are planned for Ontario in July. These will provide information to those who are recent solar generators or to those considering solar installations. Back by popular demand, Thomas Boehni, a Swiss pioneer in solar energy with over 16 years experience in solar systems will share his expertise and tips. Invited speakers to join Mr. Boehni include: OMAFRA and Hydro One.


Pre registration fee is $35.00, at the door fee is $45.00 Pre register to secure your spot at this special information session. Deadline for pre registration is June 30 for Southwestern Ontario locations and July 4 for Kingston location.

Schedule of Dates:

All Sessions begin at 7PM
  • Tuesday, July 5: Ridgetown
  • Wednesday, July 6: Woodstock
  • Thursday, July 7: Guelph
  • Monday, July 11: Kingston

To Register

Register ONLINE or by PHONE.
To register by phone, please call 519-674-1500 x63295

27 June 2011

Solar Energy Information Sessions Across Ontario in July 2011

Four solar sessions are planned for Ontario in July. These will provide information to those who are recent solar generators or to those considering solar installations. Back by popular demand, Thomas Boehni, a Swiss pioneer in solar energy with over 16 years experience in solar systems will share his expertise and tips. Invited speakers to join Mr. Boehni include: OMAFRA and Hydro One.
This would be your best $35 spent if you are thinking about solar, or already have it. 
Workshop locations are Ridgetown, Woodstock, Guelph, and Kingston.

08 June 2011

PV Generation Output Levels Over Time

I will attempt to answer the question of "how much power is the system generating right now"? I'll expand on this to summarize how often the 4.9 kW system is generating at different levels. This is very interesting once you see the results. For example, during a day with sun and cloud the output may be less than 1 kW much of the time, but when the sun finally appears for an hour the output may be 4 kW. So, how much money do I make during cloudy periods and how critical are bright sunny days? Let's look!
The Questions :
  • How often is the PV system generating at different levels [in watts]
  • How much money is earned at each output level
  • How often are the panels generating near maximum output or above
The Data :
  • Fronius Datalogger Pro installed on PV system noon 2010-10-31
  • Wattage output averaged and reported by data logger every 15 minutes
  • Continuous monitoring when inverter putting power to the grid [greater than 15 W]
  • 2011-06-07 17:15 is last measurement event
  • Data points n = 9658
The Method :
  • 15 minute interval data downloaded from datalogger and imported into spreadsheet
  • Watts used to calculate kW, revenue at $0.802/kWhr, and watts generated per wattage of panels [20 SolarWorld SunModule poly panels at 245 kW each]
  • Frequency distribution curves generated by pivot tables function
The Results :

Raw data

Figure 1 shows the raw data used for the analysis. You can see the output levels for each 15 minute period of the day when the system is operating [it shuts down automatically at dust when the panels generate less than 15 watts]. During November the maximum output is around 4000 watts. This drops to 100-200 watts during December other than a few days when it rises above 500 watts when there is no snow on the panels. A similar pattern is seen at the end of January 2011. From February to June there are many days when generation is over 4000 watts, even over the 4900 watts which is the maximum rated output of the panels. The maximum level seems to decrease back down to 4000 watts after March. This could be partially explained by the warmer temperatures during the Spring daytime compared to the colder February and March air temperatures. Power output decreases significantly when the panels are over 30 degrees Celsius.  Of course the panels only output their maximum daily limit for a short period. The morning and afternoon output is much lower and this is a larger duration of the day compared to the peak generation time period. Cloudy days also decrease the output level.
Figure 1.

Power Generation Levels

The shape of the power generation frequency distribution curve should come as no surprise when you consider the many points in Figure 1 that are less than 1000 watts. Sixty two per cent of the time the PV system is generating less than 1000 watts. Snow shading, mornings and afternoons, and clouds do not yield a lot of solar energy. Considering our house consumes about 300 to 400 watts continuously [1200 when the pool pump is running], the data show our house is a net power exporter much of the daytime over the year. The similar frequency of output from 1000 watts to 4500 watts is interesting. It suggests to me that once the sun rises there is quite a lot of time when the clouds are partially blocking the sun. Also, if we assume that the system can generate at least 3000 watts once the sun is up [i.e. 9 am to 6 pm] then we can see that Guelph has had a fairly cloudy period. There are 1327 15 minute intervals when the output is over 3000 watts, or 331 hours of "bright sunshine" out of 2415 hours of generation time! Let the Beatles some "Here Comes the Sun" come true this summer! Also:
  • 45 minutes was 5000 watts to 5130 watts over this period - end of March. 5130 watts is 4.7% over the panel rated output, and that does not include the derating factors such as DC power line losses and inverter efficiency losses
Figure 2.

Revenue by Output Level

As frequent as <1000 watts may be, is it important for overall revenue, or what about the sunny periods. This really shocked me initially and now I know why I am so happy when it is sunny outside! Before I blab on any further, here is Figure 3. And this figure shows some very important information that relates to solar PV designs. I'll no doubt discuss this figure in future postings.
Figure 3.
Revenue resulting from 3000 watts and more represents the highest revenue levels! And our 4.9 kW rated system produced over its rated limit for 2 3/4 hours and earned $11.25 over this time.
Additional observations :
  • total revenue to date generated is $2,229
  • most revenue is earned at <3000 watts, but not by much
  • about $100 was earned when revenue was greater than 4500 watts. If we use a common solar industry practice to oversize the panels relative to the inverter by approximately 10%, we would have lost approximately $100 in potential revenue. This undersized inverter is rationalized that a larger inverter may be considerably more expensive. In fact this may not be the best economically decision based on the data presented in Figure 3. [Of course, sizing the inverter and panels is more complicated than that]
  • my initial solar configuration was going to be 4.9 kW of panels and a 4 kW inverter. Lost revenue would have been close to $400 [assuming that inverter efficiency across the power level range is equal for the inverter sizes]
  • the generation frequency distribution in Figure 2 is opposite to the frequency distribution curve of Figure 3
  • the frequent low sunlight levels is financially less important than sunny periods
Initial Conclusions
  • your solar system should be designed to maximize the higher sunlight levels. Shade, ventilation, panel orientation, inverter sizing are all very important factors that must be explicitly accounted for when you have your PV system installed
  • sizing your panels and your inverter is critical. Use the inverter manufacturers' software to properly design the number of panels, types of panels, the number of strings
  • ensure that the inverter is sufficiently large to handle the high end of your panel output levels. Under-sizing the inverter by over 10% should be seriously rationalized unless there are upper limits to amount you are permitted to generate
    • for example, the Ontario Power Authority's micro Feed-In Tariff Program has a 10 kW upper limit. You could maximize the amount of low sunlight level generation by increasing the number of panels, thereby shifting the mode of the Figure 3 revenue chart to the right. But this can only be done after using the inverter manufacturers' system configuration software. Failing to do this may result in lost power generation or damage to the inverter
  • the 5100 watt inverter on our system is able to take advantage of the few periods of very intense sunshine yet this has earned me significant revenue. Over the period of 10-20 years of our microFIT program this will add up to a sizable income cohort
  • choosing the location and orientation of the panels should try to maximize the bright sunlight periods of the day
Undoubtedly there are many more things I'll see in these data. My next posting will evaluate the power generation frequencies relative to panel size. This will partially answer a question I faced when I was choosing what type and brand of inverter to install [string inverter vs. micro-inverter - hint : I think i made the right decision].

06 June 2011

Ontario Power Authority FIT and microFIT Program Stats and the Price of Electricity

The Ontario Power Authority FIT and microFIT program application statistics [pdf] are updated every two weeks and posted on their website. This website has a wealth of information on it, and people interested in the details of the programs and in renewable electric energy development will find much valuable information on that site.
However, to begin to understand [?possible?] the electricity demand, supply, and the price you also need to know information from the IESO.
I am going to do a little exercise here to show what the current microFIT program electricty is supplying to the provincial grid and what it is costing. I summarizing things with many assumptions.
Solar data :
  • uFIT* stats
    • Total applications = 30,168 [276 MW, or 9.15 kW project average size]
    • Applications terminated [ineligible, no grid connection, etc] = 3,049 [10%! 29 MW, 9.5 avg size so proportionally it is the bigger uFIT projects and most likely in rural areas that are having more difficulty connecting to gird]
    • Conditional offers = 21,255 [193 MW, 9.1 kW avg size. OPA has made progress processing applications]
    • Contracts executed = 5,093 [44 MW, 8.64 kW avg size]
  • 16.9% of applications to the uFIT program are actually connected under contract. This suggests it has been slow to get to the contract stage with the OPA and it is taking the solar installation companies quite a long time to get their clients' projects installed and connected.
  • 3.0 to 3.5 hours per day per kW of installed panel capacity is general average output of the panels
    • 3.0 is a more conservative estimate, some salesmen use 3.5, sun-orienting tracking systems may be higher
    • 2.61 hours per day per kW is my system's current average for the first 3/4 of a year as of 3 June
  • 99.9% of the uFIT applications are solar PV
  • uFIT PV power receives $0.802/kWhr
  • 132,000 kWhr/day = 3.0 hrs/day . 44,000 kW, or 
  • $105,864/day = 132,000 kWhr/day . $0.802kWhr
So, Ontario's ratepayers, including business and industry, are paying $105,864 per day for the electricty they get from the 5,000+ small solar systems.

IESO electricty data:
  • IESO market update
    • 90 days from 1 Jan to 31 March
    • 37,430 GWhrs over 90 days, or 415.9 GWhrs/day [415,889 MWhrs/day]
    • $0.0328/kWhr average price over this period [uFIT price $0.77 higher than market rate]
    • $13,441,159/day = 415,889 MWhr/day . $0.0328kWhr . 1,000 kW/1MW
 Therefore, info about Ontario small solar PV systems:
  • 0.03174% of our electricity is coming from uFIT projects
  • 0.776% of the electricity cost is coming from uFIT projects, even less if you consider the new pricing set out by the Ontario Energy Board 
Please let me know if I've done a miscalculation.
* = uFIT short for microFIT, I can't type the Greek character mu, so I use "u" instead. A throwback to my bioclimatology modelling days where mu was commonly used to denote "micro". A bit of a misnomer when micro means 1x10^-6 whereas a large FIT project is 1x10^4 kW and a microFIT project is 10 kW.

Solar Images Viewable

Sorry, the images in yesterday's two postings did not appear correctly to some - because they were using [your adjective] Internet Explorer, not a more web-compliant browser like Firefox or Chrome. I use the latter and the images appeared fine. They should appear okay now in everyone's browser.

05 June 2011

May 2011 Cumulative

December and January could be a bad memory when you have grid-tied solar panels. But you need to have the long-term view. Even with the dreary May weather, the microFIT program is working out. At this point it is still too early to say what the ideal price is to achieve a reasonable return on investment. We are roughly 3/4 through the year and we are nearly equal to our loan payment [10 yr amortization]. However we are going into the long summer days and will more than exceed the loan. But that is only reasonable - many businesses require a 3 year return on investment so why shouldn't a homeowner have their own small solar business on their roof and get 7-10 year return on investment?
I show the cumulative revenue below.

The blue revenue curve is the daily generation from 24 August 2010 to 3 June 2011. I've discussed the low generation in earlier posts, but here we see there are enough sunny days that we are catching up to the cumulative loan. The net revenue was higher from August to December where it dropped below the loan payment. However, we now how enough data to see the growth in revenue that started in February has allowed the system to virtually catch up to the cumulative loan payments. On 3 June loan payments was $3043 and generated power was $2900. However, we should be expecting a cheque from Guelph Hydro soon - payments received to date have been $1762.

May 2011 Daily Results

It has been wet, cloudy, and not very bright in Guelph since mid-April. Not so great for solar or the farmers. We need the rain to keep the dust off the panels and to help the crops grow, but not this much!
The daily solar data is shown in the figure below. I cheated a bit - the first couple of days of June have been so sunny that I had to download the data off my Fronius datalogger to see how many kWhr we generated. I get wo pleased to the see the sun on the panels and the Fronius inverter purring away in the garage. These data are included in the daily results to date. The beginning and end of May had several days where generation was 20 kWhrs. Despite the intermittent cloud, the generation has been quite good on sunny days. My observations:
  • 1, 2, 3 June 2011 - 33.5, 32.9, 32.4 kWhr respectively are the about equal to a few days in early May
  • 1 June is 15 hrs 11 min 9 long whereas 1 May is 14 hrs 19 min long! Of course sky clarity is not equal between these dates and can be a notable factor
  • 15 April is only 13 hr 25 min long and we generated 35.1kWhr, and 24 March is only hr min long yet 35.0 kWhr was generated
  • Despite the cloudy days, overall generation has been fair to very good, meaning we are catching up nicely from the winter generation drop
  • May generated 534 kWhr, or $428. This is a little below my RETScreen.net model which predicted 667kWhr in May for our system. This makes sense as May 2011 was generally recognized as much cloudier and rainy than normal.

Now, the important thing is to see the revenue generation that is resulting from the chart above. The chart below shows the daily revenue plus the daily loan equivalent [I pay loan biweekly].

There are indeed many days in May that are below the $10.70 daily loan equivalent, but whew!, it sure isn't December again!. Maximum daily generation in May was $26.83, the minimum was $2.98, avg $13.82.

04 May 2011

Reducing your technology costs easily

A little off-topic, but this is a good article about reducing your costs related to technology in the house. A timer-based power-bar is a great starter. I'm going to get one!

28 April 2011

Solar Model vs. Actual Solar Generation

When I wanted to know if our solar PV system would make any money for us under the Feed In Tariff program through the Ontario Power Authority, i could either listen to sales reps or calculate it. Some sales reps "guaranteed" that we'd make money, others said that it would pay for itself without over promising. I was skeptical of the former guys even though I knew our system would pay under the FIT program with $0.802/kWhr. I used RETScreen and PVWatts to do my modelling. I posted my results in an earlier post. Essentially what I found was that each month saw good generation, higher in the summer than December.
I've plotted my cumulative generation against the RETScreen model of our 4.9 kW system. What I found was the generation was greater than modelled during the autumn of 2010, much lower than the model during the winter, and it seems that March and April are fairly closely modelled.
The plotted data below shows several data sets :
  • the blue curve is the results from the datalogger. The PV system was online on 24 August, but I didn't have the datalogger until 01 November so I simply read the meter at the end of each day until the datalogger was installed
  • the open brown circles are the Guelph Hydro electricity meter readings
  • the RETScreen model is the purple curve with triangles
  • our household consumption [load meter] are the red closed circles
The chart is plotting cumulative kWhr. Broad observations of model accuracy should be made on multiple years of data, but we can still see how the model compares. So, what do we see???

  • over the autumn our PV system was generating about 2/3rds of our consumption but after the dark and snowy days after 10 December our electricity consumption remained constant or slightly increased, however our panels virtually flat-lined. Our panels cover much of our south-facing roof but it is still not enough to supply our home's consumption. Technically we are not using any of the electricity we are producing - it is metered and sent directly onto the grid. But it would be nice to know that we are contributing what we are using albeit at different times of the day. 
  • the panels generated more than the house consumed between 17 March and 27 April. The panels generated 745 kWhrs and the house load was 595 kWhrs [25.2% generation over consumption].
  • the Guelph Hydro meter continues to be slightly below the datalogger. I wish they were the same! It could be that the datalogger is recording total generation which is occasionally greater than the inverter rating of 5 kW, whereas the Guelph Hydro meter is recording what is actually going out onto the grid. Or maybe not! Maybe they are measuring the same thing but one of them is wrong! Fortunately the difference is small.
  • the RETScreen model seems to be approximating the generation starting around 15 February. Indeed the PV generation may be very slightly higher than the model.
  • my financial calculations were based on RETScreen and PVWatts models, after mid-December we are less than my predicted generation [and therefore revenue]. I hope we have a nice bright summer to get close to the model again so we make our forecasted revenue!
Our loan costs from 24 August 2010 to 27 April 2011 was $2,646 and our revenue was $2,354. This is a deficit, however we also went from August to the darkest part of the year and we are just coming back into the sunnier season. I am confident that the low revenues of December and January will be more than offset by this summer's generation. We only need 30 days of over 20 kWhr to make up the $310 deficit, so I am not worried.

April 2011 Revenue and Cost Results

The chart below shows an update of our daily revenue and loan. The horizontal line at $10.70 is our loan payment [we pay biweekly]. The individual points are the daily revenue [we get paid by Guelph Hydro bi-monthly].
My observations for April, or at least to 28 April, shows several things :
  • a large scatter above and below our loan payment line, but the days where it is below $10,70 is not so dismally low as December and January
  • the brightest day of April was the 15th which rivals the bright days in March. Even though the panels would have been a little warmer than in March, and the reflectance from the ground lower since the snow has melted, perhaps it is the longer day and higher sun that yielded more energy
  • late April has been very cloudy and dismal here in Guelph, so revenue is on average lower than our costs
  • final observation is that Chris Duke looks out his office window in April a lot and wishes for sunnier days. This has been wetter and cloudier April then other years [even the amount of fields with the corn sown is behind normal years]

April 2011 Generation Results

The bright sunny days of March have led to rather dreary days of April. This has been very interesting results for our solar power generation. I don't think there was one day in April of totally bright cloud-free days, though I'll check that later. In the mean time I am posting my PV generation to date. Given that the next few days that end April will be very cloudy and wet, I don't expect anything interesting, so I post this a few days before then end of April.
However, a quick note about extremely windy days today and yesterday. There was unconfirmed tornadoes in Kitchener, 20 km to the west of us yesterday, and very strong gusts here in Guelph. Our panels are still on the roof - that's a good thing. I was very impressed that our solar system installer [Merlyn Power]  called this morning to see if we still had panels on our roof or if there was any damage. Very considerate and consciousness of him.
So, the results:
  • the middle of March was spectacularly bright as you see in my 03 April post. This continued into early April but mid to end of April were relatively cloudy with lower kWhrs
  • 20 April was only 5 kWhrs which was a very rainy and dark day
  • cloudy with sunny periods was yielding about 15 kWhrs

03 April 2011

Daily Revenue From System to March 2011

My previous entry shows the energy generation. This entry and figure below shows the daily revenue from the system and the loan payment. I’ve converted the bi-weekly loan payment to daily values [$10.70/day]. It appears the loan was roughly in the middle of the data cloud until December where the generation was far below the loan payments. This period created a deficit which I will show in forthcoming posts.
I will revisit the Power Generation figure I last posted for further discussions, but I wanted to show that December and January had very few days where the PV system paid its way whereas this changes in March with the cold, clear, sunny days. I write this now wishing for many more bright March days but after a few days of nice warm weather reaching up to 10C, I look out the window to snow falling. A centimeter has just fallen in the past 10 minutes but it will apparently be 14C and rainy tomorrow. This snow won't last, but we may have many cloudy days until Easter.

Autumn and Winter Generation Results

Our solar PV generation had many interesting aspects over this winter. Now that spring has come and there is no longer snow on the panels, we are able to see many influences of cloudy weather, snow-covered panels, and the brightening days of spring. Also, we have gone through the fall and winter seasons and are able to see some trends. I’ll discuss autumn accumulated energy and its trend, impact of snow coverage, winter results, and energy trends in the early spring. I’ll show the results of RETScreen model, and finally I’ll analyze the instantaneous generation results. I’ll cover these all over the next several blog entries which I hope to post over this week.
Today’s entry is the daily power generation and revenues. Recall, out system is 4.9 kW of SolarWorld 245 watt panels and a Fronius 5100 string inverter [5,000 watts]. There are 20 panels on two strings. The panels are on a 40 degree slope and azimuth of 135 degrees [SE]. We have a microFIT contract at $0.802/kWhr
Daily Electricity Generation
I’ve plotted out the daily generation from 24/08/2010 [day system was grid-tied] to end of March 2011. The plot is shown below and my observations follow.
Solar PV electricity generation at 243 Farley Dr, Guelph, ON, to 31 March 2011.

  1. Autumn daily generation varies considerably due to clouds: The maximum generation during the first week was between 26 and 28 kWhr but then less than 25 kW until mid November. The maximum values decreased into December to a maximum of 16 kWhr. There are several factors that affect the amount of power generated besides the clouds. The snow on the ground reflects sun onto the panels. The sun angles change the amount of time and intensity of light that strikes the panels. Colder temperatures make the panels more efficient. The most cloudy days would be producing the lowest values in the chart between August and mid-November – between 2 and 3.8 kWhrs per day on the cloudiest days. On the sunniest days the average hours of light is 4.9 hours [24 kWhr/4.9 kW of panels = 4.9 hrs] and on the cloudiest days it is 0.41 hours. 
  2. Snow cover means little generation: Observe the data from 22/11 to 7/01. This month and a half period saw considerable number of days with either partial of full snow coverage on the panels. Many of these days were 0.3 to 0.8 kWhrs only! Ground mounted systems or panels that are accessible with a long broom could sweep off some of the snow to improve generation during these periods. Our panels are too high to reach. Brushing off the panels may result in scratching and damage.
    The snow was melted from the panels in early January. Several days generated over 10 kWhr, but were the snow returned mid-January. 
  3. Cold, clear days increased generation: The bright clear days, the highly reflective snowy ground, and the cold temperature resulted in very high output. The peak output was up to 35 kWhrs on several days. The panels were putting out up to 5200 watts, that is 260 W from panels rated at 245 W. This really surprised me. These days were crystal clear blue sky, between -5C and +5C with a gentle breeze. The panels would have remained cold thereby increasing their electrical efficiency. This was very pleasing to see after the dark low energy days of December were not so long ago. 

24 February 2011

Installed Navien NR-210 tankless water heater and 48" Power-Pipe drain heat recovery unit

We want to reduce our natural gas use, reduce our GHG emissions, but very importantly, reduce our long-term energy costs. One of our largest costs was the $28/mo bill for our water heater tank from Reliance. After nearly 8 years in our house we have more then paid for it with no costs incurred by the renter. We had done an energy audit last year through the ecoENERGY Retrofit - Homes program. The provincial government matches the federal rebate grant. This program was cancelled by the federal government and current projects must be completed by March 2011. So, we are finishing just in time!
We decided to install a tankless water heater and to have a drain heat recovery unit to pre-heat the water before the heater. I purchased it from Merlyn Power in Kitchener. The install went smoothly though took the whole day. It is too early for me to make any comments about performance. Some quick observations:
  • the drain heat recovery unit significantly heats the water prior to it going to the water heater - measurements to come!
  • despite getting a fairly large 210 model, running two bath tubs and a kitchen hot water tap resulted in the tubs running more slowly. This likely won't be a problem with shows due to the low flow shower heads. Also, the water line going to the two tubs is only 1/2"
  • when turning on the hot water tap it takes a little longer for the water to become hot. Water from the original hot water tank came out quite hot once it reached the tap. It seems that the tankless takes several seconds to have the exiting water "hot"
  • the system takes much less space than the water tank. I can re-arrange this corner of the basement now
We had our system installed yesterday. Then I went off to my runner's boot camp and spoke to superman David Brooks. He had one installed yesterday too, nearly the same model, but he got the 210A model with the small recirculating pump and reservoir. Then, speaking to running commrade Steven, he tells us he has the 210A model installed for the past 3 years.
I want to measure the heating of the water, I'll report here in the coming weeks.

UPDATE: 2012-12-05. After having this tankless water heater in the house for almost 2 years, we are very happy with it. We did have a tiny problem when it didn't seem to work last autumn. I looked around and saw that an error code indicated problems with the air intake. Outside the 4" intake pipe was clear. So I opened the panel and checked the air filter. It was perfectly clean but there was a leaf on the filter! Removed the leaf, easily replaced the filter, and the system has worked perfectly ever since.
One thing I would do differently is to install the 210A model with the recirculating pump. We have to run the water for about 1-2 L once the warm start to become hot. Before the morning face wash i need to run the tap quite a bit for the water to run hot.

UPDATE: 2013-09-30. I notice on the Navien website some of their models have the "ComfortFlow technology". It has a built-in recirculating pump to reduce what it calls the "cold-water sandwich". That would be a nice feature I'd like to have now based on my experience.
A second thing I have been wanting to add to this blog post is for people to consider using their tankless water heater as a home heating system. It can replace your furnace if you have a hot water spacing heating system, including in-floor heating. You'd need a special model with a higher capacity than a regular hot-water heating system. If you need to replace your hot-water system furnace, consider replacing your hot water tank and furnace at the same time with one single hydronic system tankless hot water system.

14 February 2011

Snow sliding off solar panels and roof characteristics

I posted a photo of the snow having slid off the solar panels. We are fortunate to have a steep pitch to our roof and panels that aides snow sliding off. However, panels at the top right of the array do not have panels below them and have snow on the shingles blocking this snow from sliding. Note how snow has started to slide but has stopped [far right panels at top]. Much of the snow has slid off the panels to the left. The lower photo shows how far the snow can slide and be thrown away from the roof.
Though it is difficult to quantify, it seems that both mild and cold snow conditions result in snow sliding. Freeze-thaw cycles during the night and day can cause icing at the snow-glass interface and increase sliding resistance and physical binding of the snow to the panels.
Notice the relatively deeper snow on the lower roof of both houses. The combination of the lower pitch and the snow accumulation on the more sheltered lower rooves is quite evident. The snow on the lower roof is over 30 cm deep in spots. This would not be an ideal location for solar PV panels for good winter generation. The snow storm had wind blowing from the NW and has dumped snow on these SE facing rooves.
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Snow sliding off solar panels

Snow slides off solar PV panels somewhat well, but not uniformly and the conditions must be right. Our roof has a 40 deg pitch so this will shed snow better than a 30 deg or less pitch. Note how there is an accumulation of snow that has slid off our roof an onto the lower roof. On the left side the snow has fallen two stories down to our deck. It is important to consider the dangers of snow and ice falling onto people and property below. The weather conditions were cold with low wind. Sufficient snow weight caused the snow to slide off the panels. Date of photo 8 Feb 2011.
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13 February 2011

Thermal energy good for solar panels in winter

Snow on solar panels is worth a review in our climate because of our long winter, cold days and nights, lots of snow fall, and often cloudy days. I've collected the power data daily with the Fronius datalogger on my system. I really like the datalogger but if someone asked me "should I get one", I'd say it depends. Once the panels are on your roof you are not going to change anything quite likely. I get it simply as a way to better understand the nature of PV generation in our climate and for my curiosity factor. I also wanted to establish data on a system for sharing.
The impact of snow on solar panels is very significant on total production. That is production by the individual panels as well as the "string". [I have 20 panels that are 245 watts each. My inverter model 5100 can take up to 3 series of panels, called strings. There are 2 strings going into the inverter, each with 10 panels]. Here is is a little experiment I observed about solar heat and panels in the winter:
  • snow covers the panels as the snow either falls directly on the panels or as snow in the wind drifts over the house and lands on the roof and panels
  • snow and ice will melt during direct sunshine when the temperature is below 0 degrees C
  • snow and ice won't melt during cloud cover and overcast days when the temperature is only a few degrees below 0C - just not enough heat coming through the clouds
  • very cloudy days and snow covered panels produces virtually no energy [meaning, 0.05 kWhr per day]
So, just how much do we like the bright, direct sunshine during the winter when there is snow on the panels? LOTS! I observed my indoor/outdoor min/max thermometer and grabbed my infrared thermometer. [Of course, it is not a thermometer, it would be a thermal radiometer to be exact]. I happened to have a convenient solar thermal radiation absorber - a glass mirror with the dark backing facing outside that was propped up on our window sill. The sun shone fully on this dark backing and it served as an example of how much heat is in the sunshine. I had the indoor and outdoor temperatures in the thermometer. And I used the IR thermometer to measure the solar panel temperatures [approximate].
I photographed the temperatures at 10am on 9/01/2011 - a bright winter day. Our panels and window face south east so the sun was nearly straight on the panels. You can see in the photo below the outside temperature was -6C and indoor temperature was 20C.
Photo 1. Indoor and outdoor temperatures on 9/01/2011.
I tried to measure the temperature of the solar panels. This requires an adventurous climb out a window and onto a lower roof below the panels. I used the infrared thermometer to measure the panel surface temperature. I am not sure what the actual temperature is - the glass could be reflecting heat, the cold sky temperature could be reflecting off the panels and into the thermometer, and the emissivity of the panels is not know. [The IR thermometer is set at assumed 95% emissivity of the object]. Anyways, the thermometer was between -3 and -4C. About a 2-3C temperature increase above ambient. I should do the same measurement on a cloudy day. Note that the roof is snow covered. The snow has melted and slid off the most of the panel area and to a lesser extent off the shingled roof yet.
Photo 2. Panel surface temperature estimated to be -3C, ambient is -6C.
The second panel photo [photo 3.] shows several things. First there is still snow on the panels, but it is along the top and bottom edges. The snow slides and stops at the bottom of the panel on the aluminum edge. An ice dam forms and bunches up at the junction of the top and bottom panel edges. Second thing to note is the icicles forming at the lower edge of the panels. Clearly snow and ice has melted and dripped down the panel where it freezes in the colder ambient air. The panels must be above 0C and the outside air below 0C. Third thing to notice is the water drops and what appears to be melting snow. Even though the IR thermometer is measuring -4C, the panel surface must be a little warmer for the water drops and melting snow to exist.
Photo 3. IR thermometer measurement solar panel reading -4C while outdoor temperature is -6C. Note icicles, water droplets, melting snow, and snow remaining at upper and lower edges of panels.
Finally, the thermal IR thermometer measured 51C on the reverse side of a mirror that was facing the sun in the south facing room. The surface is darker and has a low reflectivity and high absorption of solar visible and thermal radiation. This surface had no wind and cold outdoor ambient air to keep it cool. This shows the tremendous heat coming from the sun that can potentially be warming the panels. However, if this mirror surface was covered in highly reflective/low transmission thin material its surface temperature would be close to room temperature. The same holds for the solar panels that are covered with snow. The snow reflects most of the light and heat away from the panels. The snow starts to melt slowly from the bottom of the panels or where the snow very thin. Once a section of the panels are exposed to direct sunshine, that area starts to warm up. The melting front advances upwards and more panel is exposed.
As the panel warms and warm air starts to flow up under the panels snow can start to slide down the panels. I will post some pictures of snow that has accumulated on the ground show that snow clearly slides off in fairly large sheets.
Photo 4. IR thermometer measurement of back side of mirror that was facing outside on indoor window ledge. The surface temperature reads 51C while room temperature is 20C.
There are some interesting observations about snow and panels. I have not tested these observations so I could be misinterpreting things:
  • be aware of snow sliding off panels on sunny days - people and property may be hit with falling sheets of snow and ice
  • the panels certainly warm up in the direct sunshine by at least 3C and I expect even higher - wind speed can reduce their heating rate
  • ice and snow can slide down the panels and refreeze, often at the bottom edge of the panel at the aluminum trim
  • diffuse sunlight does not significantly increase the solar panel surface and snow can remain on the panels for many days
  • the low winter sun does not provide a long period for the panel and air to warm up during a sunny day - several sunny days may be required to clear the panels particularly if the air is cold and it is windy
I contacted several solar companies to ask about their systems and to get quotes. Nearly all of them were promoting the Enphase micro inverter. I have a string inverter and I don't have a similar system as mine to do any comparisons. However, the micro inverter was encouraged since they generate power from the panels individually. They are not subject to one shaded panel in a string bringing down the power generation. However, from my observations of snow on panels to date [1/2 winter] I normally have all the panels with at least some snow on them. Seldom, or for only a short duration, is one or more panels fully clear and others partly covered. This suggests to me that individual panels would also be experiencing shading and therefore reduced generation. Further study of snow on panels in Ontario, and in different installation configurations, is required before the argument can be made that micro inverters will have significant benefits over string inverters because of snow shading. My observations to days would suggest that solar developers should not over promote micro inverters solely due to increased generation during the winter - this may not have much merit and may only be suggesting the solar developers' lack of knowledge and experience.
Finally, a very rough approximation is that when the panels are half covered with snow, power generation is approximately one quarter of clear panel generation.

06 January 2011

7 Dec 2010 Snow on Panels

Snow does fall and stick to solar PV panels! Contrary to what solar salesmen say, it doesn't "just slide off", nor do the panels generate enough heat to melt the snow all the time. The sun must be bright and providing significant direct radiated heat onto the panel surface for snow to melt. This should come as now supprise when you think about it, but it is not the same message an aspiring solar system owner hears from the solar sales people. Quite often they may not have experienced seeing their systems installed long enough to provide an accurate picture of snow duration on panels.
What I found was:
- the panels are largely the same temperature as ambient under heavy overcast conditions
- snow drifts and remains on panels much like it did on the roof prior to panels
- snow will not slide off unless the panel surface is above freezing temperature.
- partial snow coverage (see photo) significantly decreases power generation, not much above generation of full snow coverage
- power generation may not be a substantial less during snow-covered days as production can be very low during heavy overcast days
Now that December 2010 is over I shall publish the month's results and my observations.
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